Learn the basics of the WordPress dashboard

in simple, non-techy language!

Get a FREE Ultimate WordPress Cheat Sheet!

A 30 page guide to the WordPress dashboard

🚀 Definitions of common WordPress terms

💡 Tips on uploading images, creating a menu and more

🔧 List of common Gutenberg blocks and what they do

🔍 SEO and Security tips

As a new WordPress user, you’ve probably already tried:

Googling answers (when you don't know the name of the thing you're looking for)

Following YouTube tutorials that are geared toward advanced users

That’s exactly why I created the

Ultimate WordPress Cheat Sheet

It’s the answer for people who want to have an all-in-one guide to the WordPress dashboard so they can find what they're looking for and get on with blogging! 

All the basics you need to get familiar with WordPress:

WordPress terminology

Dashboard overview

Menu Creation

Basic SEO tips

Plugin management

Backup procedures

Page/Post creation basics

Troubleshooting tips

WordPress settings

Theme installation

Media management

WordPress resources

And.... it's FREE!

Hey there, I’m Diane

And I help WordPress users understand the basics of WordPress in a non-techy way.

As a WordPress designer and developer for the past 20 (yikes!) years, I can help you to edit your site quickly and painlessly!

Grab the FREE cheat sheet now!